Wednesday, October 3, 2007


And now look what i have done ;)[lol]
on both televsion and in America's neighborhoods,StarCraft902, a resident of Downtown, , has begun work on a massive television censorship project that, if all goes well, will change television forever.
StarCraft902 has set up TCBFV (Television Censorship for Better Family Values), a non-profit organization designed to restrict the language that is allowed on all public TV channels. StarCraft902 is in the process of compiling a list of words and phrases that promote negative family values and/or violence. The following is just a partial list of words:

Guns, explosives, violence, sex, rape, gangs, black, hatred, steal, anger, murder, rage, genetics, damn, hell, heck, ass, crap, poop, breasts, boobs, crotch, orgasm, butt, natural selection, drugs, marijuana, lsd, alcohol, beer, booze, crack, AIDS, herpes, genitals, reincarnation, DNA, dinosaur, evolution, darn, testicles, implants, testicular implants, dang, jerk, fight, blood, vampire, pagan, psychic, ESP, occult, witch, dumb, stupid, shoot, nude, naked, evil, Satan, satanism, devil, demons, rock and roll, backstreet, internet, MP3...

The complete list is quite extensive, containing well over 2000 words and phrases similar to those above. Many people have already begun to protest against TCBFV, claiming that such censorship would be in violation of the first amendment. Kenny said in reply to that, "We, as Americans, should move away from amendments and towards commandments." Most people aren't so eager to throw the constitution out the window, reminding
StarCraft902 that there will always be a separation of church and state whether they like it or not.
StarCraft902 said:I am doing this so more people can watch and play mature games and shows.
Article by:Steve Donaldson.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The secrets of warcraft and satrcraft

Starcrafts firebats are half robot they are cyborgs!
You know those StimPacks in starcraft? there drugs and they kill half of your player!.For fire bats it only kills the robot part! now warcraft you know Thrall? the leader of the orcs? he was raised by
humans!! OMG![i got this thing called cyber buddy you can chat with him he says OMG like this:OMIG!] Grunts are always grumpy but did you know they have a sad feeling? if they cant complete a misson they turn there head down in depression!
there No.1 quote is:WHAT YOUR WANT!?!
Well ill be sure to tell you more about sc and wc untill then BATTEL ON!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007


now @ means 2 and *& means 87 just so you know.What im trying yo say is that warcraft and starcraft are the same! and heres some stuff that is ture.
ppl out there like to ask are 3d games reilistic?...reilistic my butt! heres why reson no.1 meele weopons.Now this may not be the case with every 3D game out there but the makers feel you
to equiped you with an axe a chainsaw a tuba a gauntlet! i dont care all theese games give you somthing when your outta ammo i dont know why!Reson no.2 grunting noises!.Do YOU!? make a grunting noise everytime you jump? is it the same grunting noise everytime? if you answerd YES!!!!!! to the any of the following questions then chances are that you just might be crazy! here are some jump exaples quake 1 jumps are oh! quake 2 male is HMMM! female is HEWA!
quake 3 sarge DUH! Mynx AH! anarki HOOP! jump+grunt=stupid-gai.Now reson no.3 strafing! ppl say they gain extra speed by it but it might be nice in a firefight but running down the hallway!?!? ppl say OH BUT StarCraft902 we DO gain extra speed by starfing everywhere[in high voice] yeah that maybe so in 3d gaming but in real life? OMG![shudder] OH AND SPECKING OF STRAFING!!! how many ppl do YOU know go circle strafing in real life with 3d games AND! playing it in real life?!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THAT!?!?!?!?!?! ONE PERSON ISENT GONNA CROUCH DOWN AND THROW PUCNHES AT THE OTHER PEROSNS CHINS!!! OH AND SPEACKING OF CROUCHING does real life have lag? i sure hope not do you know how dangerous life whould be if real life had lag? or example Zack:HEY JOE COME DOWN HERE! Joe:OK! dont get lag better hope you dont get some packetloss while your about to take that BIG nasty step there![falls down] OOPS! somebody got lag srry life goes on.Well ill post more stuff about 3d gaming and life cuz i ran out of space bye!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


same! riight?

if youve ever played starcraft or warcaft then you should have answer STARCRAFT STARCAFT STARCRAFT ALLLL DAY on my pole because there both addicktive.
When i play starcraft and warcraft warcraft in in the past of starcraft and starcraft is the future of warcraft because sc[sc short form for starcraft wc shor for warcraft] so anyway when i play sc its like the future with like marines aliens and stuff like that.Warcraft is like in the past like medeivel like sword and monsteress beasts and undead! Oh lets chit chat about the same topic.Now if youve played sc and wc you know what im talking about like press mouse 2 to move characters stuff like that and there doin all that great stuff but you know what real sucks grinds my gears and bugs me?
THE LAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im playing online at starcraft you know fighting zergs with my firebats all of a sudden BANG! the whole thing stoped the last thing we need is a bad internet connection lagging the rest of us i got a new internet connection then well i won! well untill next time folks....VOTE ON THE POLL!


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